CSGC Hours
Date: CSGC take place over the span of two days
Friday Conference : April 15, 2022
Saturday Competition: April 16, 2022
Location: University of Tulsa Allen Chapman Student Union (see directions)
Time: Main Event - 10:00 - 5:00 p.m. [Both Days]
Saturday Competition Awards Ceremony - 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
(See Competition Rules or Exhibitor Rules for set-up times.)
Attendee check in opens at 9:30 am. For more times and event details please see our Event Schedule
Competitors check in is on Saturday, April 16th, at 9:00 am. For more details regarding entering our competitions please see our Competitions page. (Note: Competitions Awards Ceremony will begin at 5:00 p.m)
Exhibitor check in is on Saturday, April 16th, at 8:30 am. For more details regarding exhibiting please see our Exhibitor page.
Speakers/Presenters are asked to arrive on Saturday, April 16th, 30 minutes before their session, for more details see the Speakers page.
For more Information contact: info@csgconf.com
The Computer Simulation & Gaming Conference will be held at the University of Tulsa Allen Chapman Student Union.
See here for a detailed map of the campus https://maps.utulsa.edu/
The best location to park is the Lorton Performance Center (LPC) lots.
NO EVENT PARKING is allowed at the Union parking lot or along the East 5th Place.
(see University map for locations https://maps.utulsa.edu/)
If the LPC lots become full we ask you park at the following lots along South Gary Place (see image below).